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Register Free Qigong Global Summit Now


Sponsored by the Shift Network, Qigong Global Summit has established its reputation as a yearly must-go event for the global healing art community. This year’s theme is “Cultivate Ageless Grace, Vitality and Agility through Meditative Movement Practices".

I am pleased to see many of the previous teachers are invited back. Even more so, there are new presenters, like David-Dorian Ross, Gloria Yeh, Helen Liang, Shin Lin, Kevin Chen and numerous more will share their knowledge so this year’s content is broader and richer. Science has proven that by consistently practicing Qigong, you embrace a joyful, inspiring, lifelong habit that energizes your entire being with each movement, creating a foundation for health, vitality, and longevity for years to come. It does not matter that you are new to the healing art or a long-term practitioners, you will find the wisdom and techniques shared by 38 masters are astonishing.

Free Online Event

Qigong Global Summit

February 27 – March 3, 2023

Qigong’s gentle movements and meditations bolster your physical and mental agency and slow the aging process — while increasing physical strength, mental clarity, emotional resilience, equilibrium, coordination, and immune system support.

The free online Qigong Global Summit is an opportunity to energize your Qigong practice under the guidance of masters and pioneers from around the world: . But you have to register early.

Over the course of five days, you’ll absorb the philosophies and follow guided Qigong movement and meditation techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery.

They will guide you through Qigong sessions that will provide an array of teachings and insights you can use for a lifetime in a profound practice that nourishes you from the inside out, fueled by fortitude, joy, and grace.

And, be sure to keep an eye out for additional bundled professional track sessions that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice:

  • Applying the I Ching as a Manual for Self-Development with Deng Ming-Dao

  • Emerging Qigong Programs at Harvard’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine with Peter Wayne

  • Intersections: Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga with Sifu Matthew Cohen

  • 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Qigong with Peng Roden Her

  • Accessing Your Center Core of Light with Maria Furlano, DMQ (China)  

  • Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher: Tips from the Experts with Josie Weaver, Lee Holden, and Tevia Feng

  • Qigong and Western Medicine with Shin Lin, PhD, Roger Jahnke, OMD, and Gloria Y. Yeh, MD

  • Qigong and Women’s Health with Daisy Lee, Marisa Cranfill, and Roni Edlund

  • Qigong and Healing with Master Chunyi Lin, Denise Minter, and Gilles Marin

  • The Interface Between Qigong and Non-Mainstream Therapies and Treatments with Dr. Miles Reid, Kevin W. Chen, PhD, and Sifu Matthew Cohen

I’m honored to be among 38 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Daisy Lee, Deng Ming-Dao, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Lindsey Wei, Grandmaster Mantak Chia, Master Mingtong Gu, Teja Bell Rōshi, Faye Li Yip, Mark Tanaka, and many others. 

RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge:


Various Qigong and Tai Chi Forms and Meditation with 38 different masters around the world.

Time: see the Shift Network for details

Date: Monday-Friday, 02/27/23-03/03/23

Location: Online

Cost: RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge:

Status: click to register


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