Please see the Events Page for all current classes open to the public.
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If you would like to book a personal 1-1 session, email Violet. (#TaiChi, #Taiji, #Qigong, #ImmunityBoost, #StressReduction, #AnxietyRelief, #VioletLi, #StLouis, #LasVegas, #Meditation, #ChineseMartialArts, #KungFu, #WuShu)

Why Tai Chi?
The practice of Tai Chi (Taiji) and Qigong has been clinically proven to provide significant health benefits for both the body and mind. Tai Chi has been dubbed "Meditation in Motion" by Harvard Medical School and other leading medical research institutions, and is also referred to as "Medication in Motion". The benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong can be illustrated in a simple diagram.
Violet Li is an experienced teacher of these healing arts, having taught them to over 10,000 people worldwide, ranging from 6-year-olds to 106-year-olds and all demographics in between. Her expertise includes a wide range of Tai Chi and Qigong forms, and she has developed specialized training programs for individuals or groups with compromised health conditions.

Violet Li has over a decade of experience teaching Tai Chi both in-person and online, to individuals as well as large groups. She has been invited to teach at prestigious institutions and companies such as St. Luke Hospital (Chesterfield, MO), AT&T (St. Louis, MO), St. Louis Art Museum (St. Louis), Citadel University (Charleston, South Carolina), Webster University (Webster Grove, MO), Coker University (Hartsville, South Carolina), MasterCard International (St. Louis, MO), Novus International (St. Charles, MO), Pulitzer Art Foundation (St. Louis, MO), Zonta International (Taipei, MO), Tai Chi Gala (Poconos, PA), St. John Bosco Church (Maryland Heights, MO), World Congress of Tai Chi, Qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (San Francisco, CA), Women Wellness Weekend (Trout Lodge, MO), and many others. In addition, she has taught at numerous senior centers, including but not limited to Friendship Village (Chesterfield, MO), Sheridan Senior Living (Sunset, MO), and Suang-Lien Senior Center (Taipei, Taiwan).
Expert on the Following Tai Chi (Taiji) & Qigong Forms:
Chen Style Old Frame Routine One (Lao Jia Yi Lu) 陳式太極拳老架一路
Chen Style Old Frame Routine Two (Lao Jia Er Lu) 陳式太極拳老架二路
Chen Style New Frame Routine One (Xin Jia Yi Lu) 陳式太極拳新架一路
Chen Style New Frame Routine Two (Xin Jia Er Lu) 陳式太極拳新架二路
Chen Style Single Straight Sword 陳式太極單劍
Chen Style Single Broad Sword (Dao) 陳式太極單刀
Chen Style Double Broad Sword (Dao) 陳式太極雙刀
Tai Chi 24 中國國家標準廿四式太極拳
Tai Chi Chih 太極智
Chen Style 18 Form 陳式太極拳十八式
Chair Tai Chi 椅上太極拳
Silk Reeling 纔絲功
Chen Style Push Hands 陳式太極拳推手
Lotus Qigong 蓮花健身氣功
Taiji Qigong 18 Form 太極氣功十式
Guided Meditations 指引式靜坐
Other Tai Chi & Qigong Forms 其他太極拳健身氣功套路
Past Classes

Teaching & performance at corporations, churches, hospitals, universities and institutes:
Judge, 2023 Tiger Claw Kungfu Magazine Elite Championship, May 2023, San Jose, California
Instructor, Be Like Water Workshop, Feb. 2023, Tolantongo, Mexico
Thornburg Investment Management, Oct-Nov 2020, Santa Fe, New Mexico
MasterCard International online teaching, Oct 2020, St. Louis, MO
Webster University online teaching, Spring/Summer 2020, St. Louis, MO
The 2020 Qigong Global Summit online teaching along with other world class masters, Sept 2020
Taught and Spoke at the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2020 Online Summit with other prominent Tai Chi/Qigong Masters, Apr 2020
Pulitzer Art Foundations, 2019-2022, St. Louis, MO
Performed and taught at Coker University, 2019, Hartsville, SC
Tai Chi Gala, 2015-2019, Albany & Pennsylvania, New York
Missouri Botanical Gardens (Chinese Cultural Days) , 2016-2023, St. Louis, MO
Women’s Wellness Weekend, 2010-2019, Potosi, MO
St. Louis Art Museum, 2018, St. Louis, MO
St. Luke Hospital, 2018, St. Louis, MO
St. John Bosco Church, 2017-2018, St. Louis, MO
Creve Coeur City Government, 2017, St. Louis, MO
17th World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2016, San Francisco, California
Performed and Taught Tai Chi at Citadel University, 2016, Charleston, SC
Shaw Nature Reserve, 2014-2015, Grey Summit, MO
Tai Chi Workshops at the Asian Center of Daniel Boone Library, Summer, 2012, St. Louis, MO
Pure Mind Center, Winter/Spring, 2012, St. Louis, MO
Yang Sheng (Tai Chi for Health) Workshop, 2010, St. Louis Artist Guild, St. Louis, MO
Open Streets, 2010, organized by St. Louis Mayor’s Office, St. Louis, MO
BBJ (Business People in Between Jobs) Tai Chi Program for Stress Reduction, Aug – Oct, 2009, St. Louis, MO
Mathews-Dickey Boys & Girls Club, 2009, St. Louis, MO
Tai Chi Group at AT&T, 2006 – 2007 and 2009, St. Louis, MO

Teaching at fitness gyms and centers:
Community Center at City of Maryland Heights, 2019-2020, St. Louis, MO
The Lodge at the Des Peres, 2019-2020, St. Louis, MO
Chesterfield YMCA, 2008-2020, St. Louis, MO
St. Louis Chinese Language School, 2010-2022, St. Louis, MO
Women’s Wellness Weekend, 2010-2019, Potosi, MO
Wildwood YMCA, 2014-2015, St. Louis, MO
Private Lessons both in person and online, 2008-present, St. Louis, MO
Tai Chi at Dance Class, 2007-2012, St. Louis, MO
Yang Sheng, Silk Reeling, & Chen Style 18 Form Workshop, 2008-present, Taipei, Taiwan
BBJ Tai Chi Program for Stress Reduction, Aug – Oct, 2009, St. Louis, MO
“5K and Family Fun Day”, Sep 2009, sponsored by YMCA of Great St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

Teaching at Senior Centers:
Friendship Village, 2010-2020, St. Louis, MO
The Sheridan at Laumeire Park (Assisted Living), 2017-2020, St. Louis, MO
Suang-Lien Senior Center, 2016-2020, Taipei, Taiwan
Crestview Senior Living, 2016, St. Louis, MO
Creve Coeur Assisted Living, 2016, St. Louis, MO
Private Lessons both in person and online, 2008-present, St. Louis, MO

Other Experiences
Performed at Lou Reed Drones in Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, 2019, New York, New York
Performed and spoke at Boeing, May 2015
Performance at Lou Reed Memorial, 2013, Apollo Theater, New York, NY
Gateway Chinese Martial Arts Championships, Judge of Tai Chi, 2012 and 2014, St. Louis, MO